The fist town meeting in Diamond Lake township was held in January 29th, 1880 pursuant to notice. A. E. Burdick was chosen as moderator and H. D. Worden, clerk.

The following were declared elected to office and to serve until the first annual meeting to be held March 9th, following: J. N. Brightman, S. LeRicheaoux and D. Chapman, supervisors; W. D. Bryan, Clerk; Wm. Ramsey, treasurer; H. D. Worden and W. D. Bryan, justice of the peace; A. E. Burdick, assessor; James Stewart and A. Anderson, constables. The minutes were signed H. D. Worden, clerk.

On the 4th of March, 1880, a public caucus was held at the clerk's office and officers nominated to be voted upon at the first annual meeting to be held on March 9th, 1880. The meeting was called to order by S. LeRicheoux and G. H. Bradley chosen moderator. On the motion of Mr. Whipple, G. H. Bradley was nominated for chairman of board of supervisors; W. D. Bryan, clerk; W. H. Bradley, treasurer; A. E. Burdick, assessor; H. D. Worden and G. H. Hoyt, justices of the peace; William Newell and J. H. Stewart, constables.

The clerk was instructed to have 100 ballots printed. The caucus then adjourned and the minutes were signed by W. D. Bryan, clerk.

The first regular annual township meeting was held at the home of A. E. Burdick, March 9, 1880. The meeting was called to order by W. D. Bryan, clerk, and J. N. Brightman was chosen moderator. A. M. Jellidor was elected overseer for road district No. 1; G. L. Marcellus overseer of road district No. 2; A. Anderson overseer of road district No. 3 and H. D. Worden, overseer of road district No. 4. The following three places were designated as points for posting public notices: Near the homes of H. D. Worden, G. H. Bradley and J. G. D. Whipple. It was voted to raise the sum of $12.00 to build a bridge across the outlet on or near the section line between sections 14 and 23; $12.00 to build a bridge across Norwegian creek on or near the line between sections 28 and 29, and $5.50 for a bridge on the line between sections 3 and 4. It was also voted to raise $50.00 by tax to defray the expenses of the township for the ensuing year. A motion was carried to hold the next annual meeting at the school house in district No. 4.

The polls were closed at five o'clock p. m. and the votes canvassed. The following persons were declared elected to their respective offices: G. H. Bradley, chairman of board of supervisors by 19 votes; S. LeRicheoux and J. G. D. Whipple, supervisors by 19 votes each; W. D. Bryan, clerk; W. H. Bradley, treasurer; A. W. Burdick, assessor; H. D. Worden and G. H. Hoyt, justices of the peace; Wm. Newell and J. H. Stewart, constables, all by 19 votes each.

On motion the meeting was adjourned and the minutes signed by J. N. Brightman, G. H. Bradley, S. LeRicheoux, judges, and attested by W. D. Bryan, clerk.

Diamond Lake Township

Anderson, A.

Bradley, G. H.

Bradley, W. H.

Brightman, J. N.

Bryan, W. D.

Burdick, A. E.

Chapman, D.

Hoyt, G. H.

LeRicheoux, S.

Marcellus, G. L.

Newel, Wm.

Newell, William

Ramsey, Wm.

Stewart, J. H.

Stewart, James

Whipple, J. G. D.

Whipple, Mr.

Worden, H. D.